Abstract. The energetic particle telescope ERNE onboard SOHO registered a continuous particle flux enhancement during August 7-18, 1996. The particle event was limited in the low energy range from 1.6 to 8 MeV during the first week of the event. It originated from a corotating interaction region (CIR). At 1630 UT on August 13, an additional new flux of energetic particles emerged with maximum energies above 50 MeV. The southwest directed coronal mass ejection (CME) is the most probable source of the high energy particles. Our spectral analysis revealed a two-component structure with a hard Bessel-type spectrum (c•T -0.02) of the CME-injected particles and a soft power law spectrum (index s -4.0) of CIR particles from 1630 UT till 1000 UT on August 14. In the following 3 hours the intensities above 3 MeV decreased more than 10-fold. During the plateau-type intensity maximum phase the intensities remained almost isotropic in the wide ERNE/HED view cone. We claim that the reason for the drop was that the direct connection to the CME was lost but the connection to the CIR was still maintained. The flux of > 12 MeV protons still prevailing in interplanetary space had probably been injected earlier by the CME-associated event in its very early phase in the solar atmosphere, and trapped there between the CIR and the Sun. The spectrum of these protons was of power form and very hard, s • 1.9. During August 15, the high-energy part hardened further, s • 1.1. At the same time, the intensities increased, leading to a second intensity maximum during the first half of August 16. Finally, on August 18, a disconnection from the CIR took place in all energy channels.
IntroductionIn 1996, only five periods of energetic particle enhancements above 13 MeV were registered by the Energetic and Relativistic Nuclei and Electrons (ERNE) experiment (a description of the instrument is given by Torsti et al. [1995]) onboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). Exceptionally low energetic particle fluxes were observed in events in 1996 as compared to fluxes during two previous solar minimum periods in 1976 and 1986 [Torsti et al., 1997]. During quiet times in 1996, as manifested in the exceptionally low activity of particle acceleration, a uniquely undisturbed interplanetary environment was provided for the study of particle events of solar and interplanetary origin. In addition, the large geometric factor of the ERNE High Energy Detector (HED), about 10 times larger than in particle sensors flown in the 1970s and 1980s, is a new tool to study the appearance and variation of minor particle fluxes in more detail than was possible earlier.Among the particle events in 1996 which started on July 9 and 12, August 13, November 26, and December 24, the August event was the most special. The ERNE high-energy proton channels (13-50 MeV) did not rise above the background until 6 days after the onset of flux enhancement in the lowenergy channels, 1.6-6 MeV. In this range, the intensities remained above the background level during the long p...