As so ci ate Ed i tor: Wojciech Granoszewski We de scribe the pen ul ti mate gla cial -last inter gla cial tran si tion from the one of the nu mer ous palaeolake suc ces sions in cen tral Po land, which have yielded many doc u mented Eemian and Early Weichselian flo ral re cords. In the new pro file, Parchliny 2016, the lac us trine de pos its were ana lysed lithologically, bo tani cally, zoo log i cally, and geochemically, pro vid ing new data that il lus trate the en vi ron men tal tran si tion from the Late Saalian (MIS 6a) to the Eemian inter gla cial (MIS 5e). Five phases of palaeolake de vel op ment have been dis tin guished. The first phase was re lated to the rapid melt ing of a dead ice block bur ied in the tills to form a lake. The sec ond phase doc u mented a Late Saalian ini tial suc ces sion, with the dom i nance of open steppe com mu ni ties (Stadial 1), fol lowed by a third phase with grad ual in creas ing den sity of veg e ta tion, the spread of bo real for ests (Zeifen interstadial) and fur ther in crease in open com mu ni ties and the re treat of pine (Kattegat stadial). The fourth phase re flected the be gin ning of Eemian inter gla cial by the ex pan sion of pi o neer ing birch-pine and purely birch for ests and an in creas ing pro por tion of de cid u ous trees, in clud ing oak (V th phase). Di a tom, cladoceran and geo chem i cal stud ies indi cate at least two stages of lake de vel op ment. The first stage (Late Saalian) was of an open lake (2-4 m deep), in rel a tively cold con di tions and nu tri ent-poor wa ter with the low est amounts of or ganic car bon and ni tro gen. The sec ond stage (Eemian inter gla cial), shows warmer, shal lower con di tions in which the lake's pri mary pro duc tion in creased, the wa ter was well ox ygen ated, and there were more trophic lev els.