We describe long-period grating inscription in hydrogenated telecom fibers by use of high-intensity femtosecond 352 nm laser pulses. We show that this technique allows us to fabricate high-quality 30 dB gratings of 300 m period and 2 cm length by use of a three-photon absorption mechanism. © Long-period fiber gratings (LPFGs, also known as transmission gratings) have existed since the mid-1990s. 1 They were originally fabricated photochemically by UV laser light at wavelengths coinciding with the maximum of the absorption band of defects in germanosilicate glass, and this is the most frequently used way of LPFG fabrication. For this purpose, KrF excimer laser radiation (248 nm; Ref. 2) or the second-harmonic radiation of a cw argon-ion laser (244 nm; Ref. 3) is usually used. Such a conventional low-intensity UV approach leads to a refractive-index change in the Ge-doped fiber core by means of single-quantum photochemical reactions. Recently we used high-intensity 264 nm femtosecond pulses (the fourth harmonic of our Nd:glass laser system 4 ) for recording LPFGs in single-mode telecom fibers. Under these experimental conditions, the inscription proceeds by means of a two-photon mechanism.
5In this report, we applied 352 nm radiation for LPFG inscription in the hydrogenated single-mode telecommunication fibers SMF-28 and SMF-28e. A schematic of the experimental setup is given in Fig. 1. For inscription of LPFGs we used the thirdharmonic radiation of a commercial femtosecond Nd-:glass laser (Twinkle; Light Conversion, Ltd., Lithuania), which was generated in a 2 mm long KDP crystal cut for type I interaction ( = 47.6°, = 45°). The method of frequency tripling was similar to that described in Ref. 6. The pulse duration of the resultant 352 nm pulses was 250 fs (FWHM), the beam diameter was 0.27 cm (FWHM), the repetition rate was 27 Hz, and the pulse energy was as much as 150 J. The femtosecond UV pulses were focused by a CaF 2 spherical lens, with a 48.6 cm focal distance, through a slit of width 150 m and onto a fiber (with the acrylate coating removed) that was placed behind the slit at a distance of ϳ100 m. The movement of the fiber and the control of the light's fluence were accomplished according to the method described in Ref. 5. For LPFG inscription we used the standard telecom fiber SMF-28 (supplied by Elliot Scientific) and the enhanced telecom fiber SMF-28e (supplied by Corning), both with a core diameter of 8.2 m, a cladding diameter of 125 m, and a numerical aperture of 0.14. The fibers were sensitized in a hydrogen atmosphere at 160 bars ͑120 kTorr͒ at 80°C for 90 h.Figures 2(a) and 2(b) present the experimental transmission loss spectra for two recorded gratings in SMF-28 and SMF-28e fibers, respectively. These gratings were fabricated with a 300 m period, and they were 2 cm in length.First we want to emphasize that our LPFGs, inscribed by high-intensity 352 nm pulses, are stronger than those produced by other photochemical methods. This statement refers to gratings of the same length and the sam...