“…The development of semiempirical quantum mechanical (SQM) methodologies has enabled the simulation of molecular dynamics in larger systems with reduced computational demands, owing to the utilization of minimal basis sets and the neglect of differential overlap between atomic basis functions. , Notably, among the spectrum of SQM techniques, the relatively recent emergence of the density-functional tight-binding (DFTB) − method has demonstrated efficacy in simulating processes within the excited-state manifold. − Furthermore, the extension of the DFTB method with the long-range correction has enabled the investigation of charge-transfer excitations . The long-range corrected time-dependent density-functional tight-binding (LC-TDDFTB) method has been integrated into multiple software packages, such as DFTB+, DFTBaby, GAMESS, , and DIALECT, enabling the investigation of excited-state dynamics in molecular systems comprising several hundred atoms. Another semiempirical tight-binding approach is the gfn-xtb methodology of Grimme and co-workers, − which shows excellent results for ground-state molecular properties and dynamics simulations.…”