We perform a Young's double-slit experiment to study the spatial coherence properties of a twodimensional dynamic condensate of semiconductor microcavity polaritons. The coherence length of the system is measured as a function of the pump rate, which confirms a spontaneous build-up of macroscopic coherence in the condensed phase. An independent measurement reveals that the position and momentum uncertainty product of the condensate is close to the Heisenberg limit. An experimental realization of such a minimum uncertainty wavepacket of the polariton condensate opens a door to coherent matter-wave phenomena such as Josephson oscillation, superfluidity, and solitons in solid state condensate systems.
PACS numbers:Simple, yet profoundly connected to the foundation of quantum physics, the Young's double-slit experiment has been a benchmark demonstration of macroscopic spatial coherence -off-diagonal long range order (ODLRO) of a macroscopic number of particles [1] -in Bose-Einstein Condensation (BEC) of cold atoms [2,3,4]. Recently, a similar phase transition has been reported for the lower branch of exciton-polaritons (LPs) in planar semiconductor microcavities [5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12], and supporting theoretical frameworks have been developed [13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20]. Interestingly, LPs are free particles in a two dimensional (2D) system where genuine BEC exists only at zero temperature in the thermodynamic limit [21,22]. A quasi-BEC can be defined for a 2D system of a finite size if a macroscopic number of particles occupy a single ground state and if an ODLRO is established throughout the system [23,24]. Yet in the LP experiments to date, the system size is ambiguously defined by the spot size of the pump laser, and there is no quantitative study of the relation between the size and the coherence length of a condensate [10,11]. In this work, we perform a Young's double slit experiment on a LP gas to measure its spatial coherence properties across the phase transition, and compare the measured coherence length with the condensate size. We also measure the position-momentum uncertainty product of the condensate and compare it to the Heisenberg limit.A sketch of the setup is shown in Fig. 1. The microcavity sample is first magnified by a factor of 37.5 and imaged to a plane A, which is in turn imaged by a lens II to a charge-coupled-device (CCD) at plane C for measurement of spatial distribution. For the double-slit experiment, we insert a pair of rectangular slits at plane A, and move the lens II such that the image of plane A (denoted by plane B ) is a distance D behind plane C. Effectively, we observe on the CCD the interference pattern of the LP emission passing through the double- slit. In our experiment, D = 6.7 cm, the width of the slit image at plane B is δ = 53 µm, and the average wavelength of the LP emission is λ ∼ 778.5 nm. Correspondingly, the Fresnel number δ 2 Dλ = 0.05 ≪ 1, thus the far-field condition is satisfied at plane C. When mapped onto the sample surface, the slit width seen by the LPs is ∆r ≈ ...