Through-bond triplet exciplex formation in donor-acceptor systems linked through a rigid bile acid scaffold has been demonstrated on the basis of kinetic evidence upon population of the triplet acceptors (naphthalene, or biphenyl) by through-bond triplet-triplet energy transfer from benzophenone.Energy and electron transfer (ET and et, respectively) are two general non-radiative pathways in the quenching of a triplet excited state, 1 which require effective orbital overlap within the van der Waals radii of donor (D) and acceptor (A) chromophores.2 Actually, it is well established that kET drops to negligible small values when the D-A distance is longer than 5-10 Å.1 When D and A are linked by a spacer, triplet-triplet energy transfer (TTET) could proceed through-space or through-bond (TB) mechanisms depending on the nature of the bridge. In flexible bridge-linked D-A systems, a rapid conformational equilibrium leads to spatial arrangements, in which the two chromophores are close enough for orbital overlap within the lifetime of the donor triplet, so that TTET happens through-space. [3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11] Conversely, in the case of rigid saturated hydrocarbon bridges, in which D and A distances are substantially longer than the sum of the van der Waals radii, TB mechanism is largely predominating.12-21 In these systems, the observed TTET happening TB is facilitated by the and * orbitals of the bridge and, in general, is strongly dependent on the conformations.
22-24Exciplex formation constitutes an alternative channel for excited states deactivation, 1 whose involvement has been reported in the intramolecular singlet quenching of flexible systems. 3,4,[25][26][27][28] Interestingly, several examples have been reported, in which photoinduced electron transfer in D-A systems linked through a rigid bridge leads to 'exciplex' type fluorescence, more appropriately referred to as extended charge separated state. [29][30][31][32][33][34][35] Moreover, triplet exciplex formation has been investigated in flexible benzophenone (BZP)/naphthalene (NPT) bichromophoric systems, in which decay of 3 NPT* occurs through intramolecular exciplex formation with ground state BZP. [36][37][38] To our knowledge, the possibility of TB triplet exciplex (TB-TEX) formation in D-A systems linked through a rigid bridge has not yet been explored. Herein, this issue has been addressed by means of a novel approach based on a 'tandem' TB-TTET with subsequent formation of a TB extended exciplex from the triplet Figure S1 in the ESI); the same was true for 6 and 7, lacking the LA spacer. These observations indicate the absence of significant ground state interactions between the donor and acceptor units. The phosphorescence spectra of 1a and 1b in ethanol at 77 K upon BZP excitation at 355 nm were coincident with that of 3a