In this paper, we consider the final state problem for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with a homogeneous nonlinearity of the critical order which is not necessarily a polynomial. In [10], the first and the second authors consider one-and two-dimensional cases and gave a sufficient condition on the nonlinearity for that the corresponding equation admits a solution that behaves like a free solution with or without a logarithmic phase correction. The present paper is devoted to the study of the three-dimensional case, in which it is required that a solution converges to a given asymptotic profile in a faster rate than in the lower dimensional cases. To obtain the necessary convergence rate, we employ the end-point Strichartz estimate and modify a time-dependent regularizing operator, introduced in [10]. Moreover, we present a candidate of the second asymptotic profile to the solution.2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 35B44, 35Q55, 35P25.