We demonstrate continuous voltage control of the nonradiative transition lifetime in semiconductor heterostructures. The results were obtained by picosecond time-resolved experiments on biased SiGe valence band quantum well structures using a free electron laser. By varying the applied voltage, the intersubband hole relaxation times for quantum well structures were varied by a factor of 2 as the wave functions and their overlaps were tuned. The range of magnitudes for the lifetime indicates a possible route to silicon-based quantum cascade lasers. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.147401 PACS numbers: 78.67.De, 73.21.Àb, 73.50.Pz, 78.47.Àp The choice of media with desirable electronic transition rates is critical to laser operation, and since the invention of the ruby laser physicists have sought to find atoms, molecules, and crystals with lucky combinations of energies and rates. Semiconductor heterostructures offer a means of intelligent control of lifetimes and transition energies. The carrier dynamics in such structures are central to many laser physics effects of recent topical interest such as cavity quantum electrodynamics, femtosecond pulse generation, single photon generation, etc. [1][2][3]. Quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) are based on intersubband transitions [4], and this type of transition provides tremendous control over the state energies and wave functions, and hence on overlaps and lifetimes. Modifying the design of the structure from spatially direct to indirect (diagonal) radiative transitions in QCL structures provides a means of increasing the lifetime of the excited state over many orders of magnitude, in order to achieve population inversion and lasing [5][6][7]. Although control via structural design is attractive, voltage control of the lifetime within a single structure offers a way to perform novel dynamics experiments and has potential benefits for understanding incoherent laser dynamics.Work on the precise determination of relaxation times in the SiGe system has been stimulated by recent picosecond pulsed measurements on passive SiGe intersubband structures suggesting that light-hole-heavy-hole (LH-HH) transitions might be promising for realizing a SiGe QCL [8,9], which has yet to be demonstrated despite reported intersubband electroluminescence [10]. QCL devices based on diagonal transitions exhibit a strong dependence of both emitted wavelength and output power on the applied bias, which supports the idea of voltage control of transition rates, but the results must be deconvoluted from the effects of varying the injection and extraction rates, wavelength dependent cavity loss, etc. [11]. Ultrafast relaxation times of electrically biased structures have become experimentally accessible by recent photocurrent (PC) pump-pump experiments [12].In this work we report time-resolved relaxation of the excited state population in a quantum well (QW) structure. The experimentally observed decay time is voltage tuned as the relaxing transition is changed from a spatially direct FIG. 1 (color). Tw...