It has been previously shown that the MRS sequence stimulated echo acquisition mode (STEAM; mixing time, TM = 20 ms) with an echo time (TE) of 100 ms resolves triglyceride glycerol resonances from that of water at 3 T. The purpose of this work is to determine if STEAM with a TE of 100 ms facilitates relative quantification of diglyceride/triglyceride levels at 3 T. Spectra were obtained from tricaprylin (triglyceride) and dicaprylin (diglyceride) with a range of STEAM TE values (TM = 20 ms). TE values that resulted in two resolved glycerol resonances for triglycerides (rendering them suitable for distinguishing triglyceride contributions from those of diglycerides) were selected. One resonance resides in the 3.85–4.2 ppm spectral range (overlapping the 1,3‐diglyceride resonance) and the other in the 4.2–4.6 ppm spectral range (overlapping one of the 1,2‐diglyceride resonances). STEAM with TE values of 40 ms and 100 ms (TM = 20 ms) yielded two resolvable triglyceride resonances (tricaprylin phantom), at about 4 ppm and 4.4 ppm. Direct integration of the resonances showed that the former peak has 0.86 and 0.17 times the area of the latter for TE = 40 ms and 100 ms, respectively. Spectra obtained from the phantoms containing mixtures of diglyceride (1,3‐dicaprylin) and triglyceride (tricaprylin) were acquired. The triglyceride contribution to the 4 ppm glycerol resonance, a mixture of signal from 1,3‐diglyceride and triglyceride, can be approximated from the area of the 4.4 ppm peak, resulting in an estimate of the 1,3‐diglyceride contribution. Analysis was performed for STEAM TE = 40 ms and TE = 100 ms spectra acquired from phantoms with 1,3‐dicaprylin/tricaprylin weight/weight contents of 2.5%/97.5%, 5%/95%, 10%/90% and 20%/80%. Concentration ratios of 1,3‐dicaprylin/tricaprylin estimated with both STEAM TE values resulted in linear correlations with expected concentration ratios (R2 > 0.99).