“…Therefore, to implement and expand freshwater diversions as a wetland restoration strategy, it is critical to advance our understanding of how all environmental drivers (e.g., water level, elevation, temperature, vegetation presence/biomass) interact to influence nitrogen cycling processes collectively across different spatial scales. Most of the studies, for instance, assessing the N removal efficiency in wetlands in general (Rosenzweig et al., 2018), and in coastal Louisiana in particular (Day et al., 2019), show that even after long term operation (26–70 years), treatment wetlands continue to be nutrient sinks (Day et al., 2018). The direct attribution to denitrification is variable since most studies assessing wetland treatment efficiencies consider several processes (e.g., plant uptake, soil N accumulation), yet denitrification is one critical process that can explain significant N removal (Alldred & Baines, 2016).…”