The outflow reconstruction of the right anterior sector in a right liver graft (RLG) with cryopreserved vascular grafts (CVGs) is crucial for preventing graft congestion in living donor liver transplantation (LDLT). The impact of the duration of cryopreservation has not been evaluated so far. From 2006 to 2009, 250 LDLT were performed: 47 of these patients (group 1) received CVGs stored for Ϲ1 year, and 33 patients (group 2) received CVGs stored for >1 year. Single or multiple segment 8 hepatic veins were reconstructed. The number of anastomoses did not affect vascular graft patency (P 5 0.21). The length of the cryopreservation time did not affect the histological findings for CVGs. The preoperative and postoperative liver graft volumes were 783.8 6 129.7 and 1102 6 194.7 cc, respectively, for group 1 and 753.7 6 158.5 and 1097.2 6 178.7 cc, respectively, for group 2. The regeneration indices for liver grafts in the whole patient group, group 1, and group 2 were 48.9%, 47.4%, and 51.05%, respectively. In conclusion, the storage duration has no impact on the patency of CVGs in outflow reconstruction or on the regeneration of RLGs in LDLT. CVGs stored for >1 year can be safely used for the outflow reconstruction of RLGs in LDLT. Liver Transpl 20:173-181, 2014. V C 2013 AASLD.Received May 14, 2013; accepted October 15, 2013. Living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) has been used to overcome the shortage of deceased donor organs. For right liver graft (RLG) procurement, surgical options include harvesting the graft without the middle hepatic vein (MHV) in order to guarantee donor safety 1-3 and harvesting the graft with the MHV Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this article.