Distribution and plant mass of aquatic macrophytes, and their relation to environmental conditions was studied in the submontane-colline Slatina river in 2004. Diversity of macrophytes was low, only 8 vascular plants, 3 mosses and group Algae filamentosae were found. Myriophyllum spicatum is dominant species, Fontinalis antipyretica, Rhynchostegium riparioides and Algae filamentosae are frequent. Interactions between flow class, bed material, depth of water and the first three mentioned macrophytes, as well as Jungermannia leiantha were detected. Sparganium erectum prefers more antrophogenic conditions and Myriophyllum spicatum prefers the light. According to cluster analysis, three distinct and ecologically well separated parts of the river were identified. Based on Reference index, poor ecological status for the studied part of the Slatina river was estimated.