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Dedico este trabalho os meus filhos Alexandre, Bianca e Daniel por terem me mostrado o real sentido das coisas, representando o futuro, a continuação, o eterno.
AGRADECIMENTOSAgradeço primeiramente a Deus pelo milagre da vida em todas as suas formas e por toda força e fé que sempre me move e direciona.Ao Prof. Dr. José Luiz Negrão Mucci, pela sua orientação neste trabalho, pela sua paciência e amizade nos momentos difíceis e aos valiosos ensinamentos ao longo deste período. À Dra. Maria do Carmo Carvalho, quem possibilitou a execução deste projeto, pela motivação, apoio e amizade incondicionais sempre, inclusive nas etapas de realização do trabalho.À CETESB pela disponibilização dos dados e estrutura para que fosse possível a realização deste estudo, e por contribuir, desde a época de estágio, à minha formação profissional. (densidade e grupos taxonômicos) mostraram uma significativa correlação com os outros índices de qualidade das águas aplicados, mostrando que pode ser uma boa ferramenta na classificação e monitoramento da qualidade das águas de rios.
ABSTRACTThere are few studies conducted on phytoplankton inhabiting the rivers. In São Paulo State many of the abstraction of water for public supply are located in lowland rivers and streams of low gradient and have a lot of dam built in their courses, and the presence of lateral lakes and small dams to capture water, contributing to the development of planktonic organisms.Considering the need to better understand the structure and dynamics of planktonic algae and cyanobacteria in rivers, and to improve its use as a tool for monitoring, the main objective of this project was to reassess and discuss improvements in the application of the index of the phytoplankton community (ICF), used by CETESB, in these environments. Were evaluated eight sampling sites in rivers located at the abstraction of water for public supply of six major cities in the State during 2009. Samples were collected bimonthly and were assessed for both abiotic (rainfall, flow, temperature, pH, DO, turbidity, conductivity, organic load and nutrients) and biological (Fecal Coliforms, Chlorophyll a and Phytoplankton Community) variables. Changes in ICF were tested for use in rivers and results were compared to other water quality indices used by CETESB such as IET, IVA e ICF. The phytoplankton community in the studied rivers showed a high species richness, but with a high proportion of rare species. The density was low for most of the river. The highest densities were related to the increase in organic load and the nitrogen forms with significant increases in periods of low precipitation. The Baccilariophyta group, particularly the class Coscinodiscophyceae, was associated with better water quality, whil...