SC, Cannady DF 2nd, Shuster JJ. Musculoskeletal and prostate effects of combined testosterone and finasteride administration in older hypogonadal men: a randomized, controlled trial. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 306: E433-E442, 2014. First published December 10, 2013; doi:10.1152/ajpendo.00592.2013.-Testosterone acts directly at androgen receptors and also exerts potent actions following 5␣-reduction to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Finasteride (type II 5␣-reductase inhibitor) lowers DHT and is used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia. However, it is unknown whether elevated DHT mediates either beneficial musculoskeletal effects or prostate enlargement resulting from higher-than-replacement doses of testosterone. Our purpose was to determine whether administration of testosterone plus finasteride to older hypogonadal men could produce musculoskeletal benefits without prostate enlargement. Sixty men aged Ն60 yr with a serum testosterone concentration of Յ300 ng/dl or bioavailable testosterone Յ70 ng/dl received 52 wk of treatment with testosterone enanthate (TE; 125 mg/wk) vs. vehicle, paired with finasteride (5 mg/day) vs. placebo using a 2 ϫ 2 factorial design. Over the course of 12 mo, TE increased upper and lower body muscle strength by 8 -14% (P ϭ 0.015 to Ͻ0.001), fat-free mass 4.04 kg (P ϭ 0.032), lumbar spine bone mineral density (BMD) 4.19% (P Ͻ 0.001), and total hip BMD 1.96% (P ϭ 0.024) while reducing total body fat Ϫ3.87 kg (P Ͻ 0.001) and trunk fat Ϫ1.88 kg (P ϭ 0.0051). In the first 3 mo, testosterone increased hematocrit 4.13% (P Ͻ 0.001). Coadministration of finasteride did not alter any of these effects. Over 12 mo, testosterone also increased prostate volume 11.4 cm 3 (P ϭ 0.0051), an effect that was completely prevented by finasteride (P ϭ 0.0027). We conclude that a higher-than-replacement TE combined with finasteride significantly increases muscle strength and BMD and reduces body fat without causing prostate enlargement. These results demonstrate that elevated DHT mediates testosterone-induced prostate enlargement but is not required for benefits in musculoskeletal or adipose tissue. testosterone; hypogonadal; prostate enlargement SOME STUDIES OF TESTOSTERONE TREATMENT in older, hypogonadal men report substantial increases in muscle strength and bone mineral density (BMD) (12, 21), whereas others report only modest improvements (31, 41). Studies documenting substantial effects typically employed intramuscular (im) doses of Ն100 mg/wk im injection of long-acting testosterone esters (12, 21). In contrast, lower doses of testosterone that result from transdermal patch or gel administration produce only modest myotrophic effects (31, 32, 41). Meta-analysis data indicate that im testosterone produces a 4% increase in lumbar spine BMD, while transdermal testosterone has no effect (39). Unfortunately, higher doses of testosterone also increase the risk of adverse events, including three that have been confirmed by meta-analysis: polycythemia, a small reduction in HDL-cholesterol, and increased inci...