years) was 12.2% ± 12.5%. The postoperative ECL not related to surgical trauma (calculated from 12 months after the procedure to the last follow-up visit) was 8.8% ± 11.9%, and the authors indicated that the calculated mean rate was 1.0% cell loss per year.We consider it important to clarify some additional details about ECL. What percentage of eyes lost more than 1.6% of endothelial density yearly (upper limit of normality obtained from the mean plus 2 standard deviations of the classic study by Bourne et al.)? In the box and whisker plot shown in the supplementary material, it can be seen that a number of eyes reached final endothelial densities of less than 2000 cells/ mm 2 and, in fact, some densities dropped to a value close to 1600 cells/mm 2 , which is in proximity to the explantation criterion defined by the French Agency for the Safety of Medical Devices (1500 cells/mm 2 ). It would be very interesting to know what percentage of eyes were below 2000 cells/mm 2 , the age of these patients, and the postoperative follow-up time. It would also be important to know if any of the eyes lost ≥25% of preoperative endothelial density, which is the limit recommended by the American Academy of Ophthalmology to consider explanting a pIOL.Several studies have recently been published showing significant long-term ECL with iris-claw pIOLs (Artisan and Artiflex). In 67 eyes with the Artisan iris-claw pIOL for myopic errors with a mean follow-up of 9.6 ± 3.0 years, we found that 29.9% of them lost ≥25% of preoperative endothelial cell density at the last follow-up visit, that 60.8% lost a percentage of endothelial cells greater than the expected physiological loss (>1.6% per year), and that 7.5% had an endothelial density of less than 1500 cells/mm 2 . 2 Indeed, in a newer publication, we reported that we had to explant 5 Artisan pIOLs (6.3% of the group) because of late ECL (mean follow-up time 11.9 ± 3.5 years). 3 In 2018, Jonker et al., with Artiflex and Artiflex toric pIOLs, reported a total chronic ECL from 6 months to 5 years postoperatively of 10.5% in the spherical group and 10.2% in the toric group. After 5 years, 4.4% and 4.3% of eyes, respectively, had ≥25% loss of endothelial cells and 3.0% of eyes in the Artiflex pIOL group had a cell density of less than 1500 cells/mm. 2,4 The issue of chronic corneal endothelial loss, knowing that in humans, these cells have almost completely inhibited the in vivo mitosis, is critical, especially in these patients who are implanted with these pIOLs at an early age and have many decades of life ahead of them. 5