The nuclear genome of eukaryotes contains large amounts of cytoplasmic organelle DNA (nuclear integrants of organelle DNA [norgs]). The recent sequencing of many mitochondrial and chloroplast genomes has enabled investigation of the potential role of norgs in endosymbiotic evolution. In this article, we describe a new polymerase chain reaction-based method that allows the identification and evolutionary study of recent and older norgs in a range of eukaryotes. We tested this method in the genus Nicotiana and obtained sequences from seven nuclear integrants of plastid DNA (nupts) totaling 25 kb in length. These nupts were estimated to have been transferred 0.033 to 5.81 million years ago. The spectrum of mutations present in the potential protein-coding sequences compared with the noncoding sequences of each nupt revealed that nupts evolve in a nuclear-specific manner and are under neutral evolution. Indels were more frequent in noncoding regions than in potential coding sequences of former chloroplastic DNA, most probably due to the presence of a higher number of homopolymeric sequences. Unexpectedly, some potential protein-coding sequences within the nupts still contained intact open reading frames for up to 5.81 million years. These results suggest that chloroplast genes transferred to the nucleus have in some cases several millions of years to acquire nuclear regulatory elements and become functional. The different factors influencing this time frame and the potential role of nupts in endosymbiotic gene transfer are discussed.More than a billion years ago, the ancestors of mitochondria and plastids were free-living eubacteria that were sequentially engulfed by a precursor of the nucleated cell (Timmis et al., 2004). Since these two separate endosymbiotic events, organelle DNA has been continuously transferred and integrated into the nucleus. Insertions of organelle DNA are referred to as numts (nuclear integrants of mitochondrial DNA; Lopez et al., 1994) and nupts (nuclear integrants of plastid DNA; Timmis et al., 2004) or collectively as norgs (nuclear integrants of organelle DNA; Leister, 2005). Transfer of mitochondrial and plastid DNA to the nucleus has been shown to occur at a very high frequency ( Thorsness and Fox, 1990;Huang et al., 2003;Stegemann et al., 2003;Sheppard et al., 2008). Several molecular mechanisms involved in the integration of mitochondrial DNA into the nucleus have been suggested and are likely to be similar for nupts.These include the degradation and lysis of mitochondria, the encapsulation of mitochondrial DNA inside the nucleus, the direct physical association between the mitochondria and nucleus with membrane fusions, or the entry and incorporation of mitochondrial DNA into nuclear chromosomes (for review, see Hazkani-Covo et al., 2010). During evolution, this DNA transfer and integration into the nucleus have resulted in the functional relocation of many organelle genes in the nucleus, leading to a massive reduction in the size of organelle genomes compared with those of their fr...