The present study evaluates the eVect of cognitive training, of psychoeducational training and of physical training on cognitive functioning, physical functioning, physical health, independent living and wellbeing in older people. Also the combination of physical training with cognitive training or psychoeducational training, respectively, was evaluated. In contrast to most training studies with older people, training eVects were evaluated in a longitudinal perspective over 5 years to analyse long-term-results of cognitive and physical activity on older adults. Training eVects were evaluated compared to a no-treatment-control group. Subjects were 375 community residents aged 75-93 years. Up to 5 years after baseline examination, signiWcant training eVects were observed in the group exposed to the combined cognitive and physical training. The physical and cognitive status in the participants of this group could be preserved on a higher level compared to baseline, and the participants displayed fewer depressive symptoms than the notreatment-control group. The results are discussed in the light of recent research regarding the eVects of mental and physical activity on brain function in older adults.