Starting from the findings of specialized studies on knowledge management in the field of biotechnology, this paper aims to present the factors that underline sustainable performances of Romanian biotechnology organizations. Particularly, descriptive analysis of these factors has outlined a picture of the current situation of biotechnology in Romania. The design of an exploratory knowledge management model for organizations in the biotechnology sector was achieved and validated through a panel data model. Starting from a model of growth based on productivity, capital inflow, and human capital, three statistical hypotheses were validated by a time series data panel regression model using EViews 9.0 software. The data were collected for the enterprises active in the field of biotechnology for a period of nine years. The paper highlights the fact that the economic performance of biotechnology organizations is determined by the flow of capital, productivity, and the workforce. Knowledge-based growth strategies are essential in the econometric model presented. Nevertheless, in terms of knowledge management strategies, the sector has not reached its maturity, and full sustainability is not a norm.