A B S T R A C T Five patients received cholesterol7a-3H intravenously during control periods. Specific activity of total serum cholesterol was determined serially during the 1st wk and weekly thereafter. 28-59 wk after the injection of the tracer, when no further radioactivity could be detected in serum cholesterol, 2 g of oral neomycin was given daily to four patients for the remainder of the experiment. Average total serum cholesterol concentrations were reduced by 20, 21, 26, and 29%, respectively, in these subjects. The fifth patient, given placebo, had no change in serum cholesterol. After a period of 12-26 wk of medication the intravenous injection of cholesterol7a-3H was repeated, and while neomycin or placebo administration was continued, serum cholesterol specific activity was again determined serially during the 1st wk and weekly thereafter for 23-42 wk. The data were subjected to a twocompartment analysis. During the administration of neomycin, half-times of the cholesterol radioactivity decay curves were decreased in two patients and remained unchanged in two subjects.