This paper presents the results of experiments performed in situ at temperature and pressure relevant to reservoir conditions (T = 323 K and P fluid = 90 bar) to evaluate whether clay minerals can react with supercritical CO 2 to produce carbonate phases by ion exchange− precipitation reactions and dissolution−reprecipitation reactions. The results show that both can occur on a time scale of hours under the conditions of our studies. The dissolution−reprecipitation mechanism was examined using Ca-, Cs-, and tetramethylammonium (TMA + ) laponite, a synthetic smectite analogous to hectorite that has small particles (basal dimensions of ∼10 × 10 nm 2 ) and a high fraction of edge sites where only two of the usual three bridging oxygen atoms are shared with other tetrahedra in the silicate sheet (Q 2 sites), making it an excellent case for examining the role of T−O−T edges. The ion exchange− precipitation mechanism was observed for a Pb-exchanged natural low-Fe smectite (hectorite). Novel X-ray diffraction and NMR and infrared (IR) spectroscopic tools provide in situ observation of these reactions in real time supported by a suite of ex situ analyses. The results demonstrate for the first time that 13 C NMR can effectively characterize the amorphous and crystalline products of such reactions. For all three laponites, IR and NMR data show that HCO 3 − ions form at water content as small as ∼5 H 2 O molecules/exchangeable cation. When the exchangeable cation is Ca 2+ , the IR data show the formation of carbonate anions at low water content as well, with the NMR spectra showing formation of amorphous calcium carbonate in vacuum-dried samples. For laponites equilibrated at 100% RH at atmospheric conditions and then exposed to scCO 2 , 13 C NMR shows the presence of a greater number of more mobile HCO 3 − ions and a poorly crystalline or amorphous hydrous magnesium carbonate/bicarbonate phase that forms from Mg 2+ released by clay dissolution. The 100% RH sample with exchangeable Ca 2+ also forms calcite, vaterite, and aragonite precipitates. Comparison of these and previously published results suggest that a high edge site Q 2 fraction is crucial to the dissolution−reprecipitation process occurring on a short time scale. In the Pb-exchanged hectorite exposed to scCO 2 , once a critical humidity threshold of ∼78% is reached, cerussite (PbCO 3 ) forms rapidly concurrent with replacement of interlayer Pb 2+ by H 3 O + formed by reaction of CO 2 with water on the clay surface. This type of reaction is not observed on a similar time scale with Ca-or Na-exchanged natural hectorite and other smectites, and the low solubility of cerussite appears to be the thermodynamic driving force for this process.