Migratory animals may play an important role in connecting disparate ecosystems, including the introduction of various pathogens. Th e incidence of these pathogens may vary over time and space, such that events along the entire migratory fl yway are likely to be important in the interaction between pathogens and their migratory hosts. On this premise, the annual cycle of a naturally occurring host-pathogen system was reconstructed by examining infection with and antibodies to avian infl uenza virus along the fl yway of a long-distance Arctic migrant, the Svalbard-breeding pink-footed goose Anser brachyrhynchus . A highly-localized transmission period was identifi ed in winter, in contrast to the north -south decline expected from dabbling ducks, indicating the dynamics of infection may diff er among host species. In spring, 63% (95% CI: 57.1, 68.9) of adults had detectable antibodies to the nucleoprotein of avian infl uenza virus, compared to just 15% (95% CI: 8.7, 23.4) of juveniles, suggesting inter-annual antibody maintenance. Nevertheless, adult seroprevalence declined by approximately 30% from spring to late summer, indicating signifi cant seroreversion in the population. Integrating these fi ndings in an epidemiological model, detectable antibodies to nucleoprotein were estimated to persist for just 343 days (95% CI: 221, 607); considerably shorter than for other wildlife diseases in long-lived bird species. Th e investigation of wildlife diseases in migratory populations is an inherently complex task, yet, by integrating disease incidence and seroprevalence along a migratory fl yway, our fi ndings suggest that the ecological interactions and life history of the host, as well as the life-history of the pathogen, can infl uence the dynamics of infection and host immune response.