Background and aims: Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) characterized by severe high blood cholesterol levels usually presents an imbalance of systemic oxidative stress(OS).Lipoproteinapheresis(LA),whichisthemosteffectivetherapytoreduce cholesterollevels,remainsunclearinalteringOSandscarceinChinesepatientstudies.
OurstudyaimstoassesstheimpactofLAonOSstatusinChinesepatientswithFH.Methods: About31patients(22males,age:12-69years)withFHandreceivingLA treatment were consecutive enrolled. Free oxygen radicals test (FORT) and free oxygen radicals defense (FORD) values were determined using the free oxygen radical monitor and kit immediately before and after LA, while blood samples were collected to measure plasma lipid levels and hs-CRP by conventional methods. Data were analyzed by paired ttestorranksumtestandSpearman-rhocorrelationanalysis.Results: Besides plasma lipid levels, the OS status showed that FORTs were significantly decreased and FORD values significantly enhanced immediately after LA treatment compared with before (both P < .01). In addition, the correlation analysis showed that the removal rates (△%) of TC were positively related to the increased rates (△%) of FORD value (ρ = 0.513, P = .003); LDL-C to FORD (ρ = 0.39, P = .03); Lp(a) to FORD (ρ=0.473,P=.007);andnon-HDL-CtoFORD(ρ = 0.46, P = .009).
However,nosignificantdifferenceinhsCRPwasfound.Conclusions: The present study indicated, besides effectively lowering plasma lipid levels,LAcouldsignificantlyimproveOSstatusinChinesepatientswithFH.
K E Y W O R D S familial hypercholesterolemia, lipoprotein apheresis, oxidative stressThis is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.