This paper highlights the significance of Arecibo Observatory, geomagnetically a midlatitude while geographically a low latitude site with unique aeronomical consequences. Its unequaled location in terms of its proximity to Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA), the conjugate point of South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly (SAMA), cannot be debated and offers a bridge between equatorial and mid-latitudes.
Major Points. Atmospheric-Ionospheric variability is still not characterized thoroughly. There are several drivers, but their quantification requires sampling using preferably high-resolution, highly sensitive instruments and satellite data sets. Such efforts provide coverage in lat/long (satellite), time, and altitude at a particular location (Ground-based instrumentation -GB). o GB sites can be extremely useful in delineating the influences of several drivers that cannot be easily captured by the satellite due to their motion, however providing an accurate local picture. The use of existing infrastructure in terms of ground-based instruments that are in the path of ICON/GOLD satellite missions is without a doubt a valuable and cost-effective approach.o In this regard, Arecibo Observatory plays a significant role that houses several GB instruments and has a unique location (geographically a low latitude but geomagnetically a mid-latitude). New discoveries can be enabled by using highly sensitive instruments capable of detecting features in the under-sampled regions of the atmosphere (100 -200 km). Regular observations of such features provide new insights into dynamical coupling processes. The complexities associated with the "Cross-scale" coupling can be best understood by implementing a multi-instrument observational approach that probes different parts of the atmospheric spectrum. Some methodologies that promise new scientific outcomes are:1 Combination of optical and radio (passive and active) observations, and; 2 Using high-resolution range-resolved observations with other instrumentation that provide horizontal coverage is required for regional/global coupling processes. It is important to mention that the research efforts from this white paper will help maintain and develop a workforce in stem in general that is critical for the future of our society.