We used replica exchange molecular dynamics (REMD) simulations to evaluate four different AMBER force fields and three different implicit solvent models. Our aim was to determine if these physics-based models captured the correct secondary structures of two α-helical and two β-peptides: the 14-mer EK helix of Baldwin and co-workers, the C-terminal helix of ribonuclease, the 16-mer C-terminal hairpin of protein G, and the trpzip2 miniprotein. The different models gave different results, but generally we found that AMBER ff96 plus the implicit solvent model of Onufriev, Bashford, and Case gave reasonable structures, and is fairly well-balanced between helix and sheet. We also observed differences in the strength of ion pairing in the solvent models, we but found that the native secondary structures were retained even when salt bridges were prevented in the conformational sampling. Overall, this work indicates that some of these all-atom physics-based force fields may be good starting points for protein folding and protein structure prediction.
I. Are Physics-Based Force Fields Accurate Enough for Protein Structure Predictions?All-atom force fields, such as CHARMM, 1 AMBER, 2,3 and OPLS, 4 are widely used for computer simulations of the properties of proteins and small peptides. However, such force fields are not yet commonly used to predict native protein structures, in part because of computational limitations in the conformational sampling of systems with many degrees of freedom, as in proteins, but also in part because of concerns that the force fields themselves might not be good enough. It has been difficult to distinguish whether physics-based protein structure prediction has been hindered by insufficient sampling or by limitations in the force fields.However, a few tests on protein structure prediction have been possible so far because of mechanistically focused sampling or large dedicated computer resources. There are some notable successes indicating that modern physics-based force fields might be accurate enough to predict the native structures of proteins. Using supercomputer resources, Duan and Kollman performed a milestone microsecond molecular dynamics simulation of the 36-residue villin *Corresponding author. E-mail: E-mail: shell@engineering.ucsb.edu.
NIH Public Access
NIH-PA Author ManuscriptNIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscript headpiece in explicit solvent starting from an unfolded conformation. 5 Scheraga's group, starting from a random configuration, folded the 46-residue protein A to within 3.5 Å rootmean-square deviation (rmsd) using Monte Carlo dynamics with an implicit solvation model. 6 Another milestone was the folding of villin by the Pande group on Folding@Home, a distributed grid computing system running on the screen savers of volunteer computers worldwide. 7Recently, higher accuracies have also been achieved. High-resolution structures of villin have recently been reached by Pande et al. 8 and Duan et al. 9,10 In addition, three groups have folded the 20-residue...