A theory of spontaneous generation of zonal flows by kinetic drift-Alfvén turbulence in the finite-pressure plasma (β > m e /m i ) is generalized to include the ion diamagnetic effects and the finite ion Larmour radius effects. In the framework of the corresponding set of generalized two-fluid magnetohydrodynamic equations and on the assumption of a distinct time-and space-scale separation between the turbulent oscillations and the zonal flow, a set of coupled equations is derived to describe the interaction between the turbulence and the flow, consisting of the evolution equation for the spectral function of turbulence and the mean-field equations for zonal flow. The possibility of spontaneous zonal flow generation by the kinetic drift-Alfvén turbulence is investigated in details in several cases. In the case of kinetic drift-Alfvén turbulence with the space scale of the order of the ion Larmour radius or below, the instability caused by the resonant interaction of the wave packet with the slow modulations of zonal flow has been analysed, and the criterion for the onset of the zonal flow instability has been derived. In the case of short-wavelength turbulence, two regimes are considered. It is shown, that, when the frequency of short-wavelength oscillations is close to the electrondrift frequency and the zonal perturbation of plasma density can be described by the Boltzmann Law, the instability criterion is a generalization of the previously obtained result to the case of non-equal temperatures of the ions and electrons. The new regime is found, in which the zonal perturbation of plasma density is negligible. The condition for the onset of resonant instability is obtained.