A., 2016. Sand sheets in ter ac tion with ae olian dune, al lu vial and mar ginal playa beds in Late Permian Up per Rotliegend set ting (west ern part of the Poznañ Ba sin, Po land). Geo log i cal Quar terly, 60 (4): 771-800, doi: 10.7306/gq.1336The Up per Rotliegend de pos its of the west ern part of the Poznañ Ba sin, Po land, rep re sent three main sed i men tary en vi ronments: ae olian desert (dunes and sand sheets), al lu vial plain (al lu vial cov ers with wadi de pos its) and mar ginal playa. In arid pe ri ods, dunes prograded into ar eas dom i nated by al lu vial sed i men ta tion. Dur ing wet pe ri ods, al lu vial de pos its eroded the ae olian de pos its and prograded onto dune fields. Playa sed i ments were de pos ited among ae olian or al lu vial sed i ments during pe ri odic ex pan sions of the playa. These aeolian, allu vial and playa de pos its are ar ranged in depositional se quences. Bound aries be tween se quences are marked by rapid changes in depositional fa cies; and by ero sional bound ing sur faces. Max i mum Wet ting Sur faces have been dis tin guished within some parts of the depositional se quences, which en able regional cor re la tions. The sec tions stud ied are com posed of thick se quences of sand and sand-gravel sheets. The sand sheets rep re sent pe ri ods of strati graphic con den sa tion. Sys tems of sand sheets are typ i cal of mar ginal ar eas of ergs. We dis tin guish nine depositional com plexes (units) num bered 1-9 from base to top, re spec tively. These sub di vi sions are based on the in ter pre ta tion of the sedimentological re cord in palaeoclimatic terms, and in terms of ma jor ero sional bound aries, which are prob a bly of re gional ex tent. In the ae olian de pos its, ma jor bound aries are as so ci ated with de fla tion sur faces related to the sta bi li za tion of ground wa ter lev els. In the mar ginal playa de pos its, the most im por tant bound aries are cor re lated to transgressive sur faces that de vel oped dur ing playa ex pan sion. Time gaps rep re sented by the bound aries and the scale of ero sion be low them, are dif fi cult to es ti mate. The depositional sys tem of the Up per Rotliegend was dom i nated by sand and sand-gravel sheets, and is ei ther a unique fea ture in the en tire South ern Perm ian Ba sin or, as we as sume, sand sheets oc cur more com monly in the Rotliegend than has been pre vi ously thought.