The threshold transverse response functions R T (q, ω) for 3 He and 3 H are calculated using the AV18 nucleon-nucleon potential, the UrbanaIX three-body force, and the Coulomb potential. Final states are completely taken into account via the Lorentz integral transform technique. Consistent two-body π-and ρ-meson exchange currents as deduced using the Arenhövel-Schwamb technique are included. The convergence of the method is shown and a comparison of the corresponding MEC contribution is made to that of a consistent MEC for the meson theoretical r-space BonnA potential. The response R T is calculated in the threshold region at q=174, 324, and 487 MeV/c and compared with available data. The strong MEC contributions in the threshold region are nicely confirmed by the data at q=324 and 487 MeV/c although some differences between theoretical and experimental results remain. A comparison is also made with other calculations, where the same theoretical input is used. The agreement is generally rather good, but leaves also some space for further improvement.