A standard design procedure for a single-sided and longitudinal flux-based linear switched reluctance machine is developed in this paper. The proposed design procedure utilizes the rotating switched reluctance machine design by converting the specifications of the linear machine into the equivalent rotary machine. The machine design is carried out in the rotary domain, which is then transformed back into the linear domain. Such a procedure brings to bear the knowledge base and familiarity of the rotary machine designers to design a linear machine effectively. This paper contains the illustration of the proposed design procedure for a 4.8-m-long prototype. An analysis procedure is developed with a magnetic model and results from it are verified with finite-element analysis prior to construction of the prototype. Extensive experimental correlation in the form of inductance versus position versus current and propulsion force versus position versus current to validate the analysis and design procedure is given in the paper. ). Publisher Item Identifier S 0093-9994(00)09256-2. His research interests include the design of switched reluctance motors and their control, permanent-magnet brushless dc motors, linear switched reluctance machines, and magnetic levitation. R. Krishnan (S'81-M'82-SM'95) received the B.E. and M.E. degrees from the College