“…These surveys vary in scope, and were selected as they offer many different starting points for a researcher studying reform teaching. Many of those selected are designed specifically to measure teacher beliefs, attitudes and/or selfefficacy, as there is evidence in teacher development literature that these affects are related to teacher classroom practice (Posnanski 2002;Khourey-Bowers and Simonis 2004;Crippen 2008). Of the 11 surveys examined, two are concerned with teacher selfefficacy -Science Teaching Efficacy Belief Instrument-Preservice (STEBI-B), and the Teaching of Science as Inquiry (TSI), two measured other teacher beliefs such as beliefs relating to science teaching environments -Context Beliefs about Teaching Science (CBATS), and beliefs about teaching and learning science Beliefs about Reformed Science Teaching and Learning (BARSTL), and one measured teachers' affective states as they enter professional development activities -Pedagogical Discontentment Questionnaire (PDQ).…”