This study examined one-year violence outcomes among non-injured patients treated in the Emergency Department (ED) for cocaine-related chest pain. An urban Level I ED required patients with chest pain (age 60 and younger) provide a urine sample for cocaine testing. Cocaine-positive consenting patients (n=219) were interviewed in the ED; 80% completed follow-up interviews over 12-months (n=174; 59% male, 79% African-American, mean age = 38.8, standard deviation 9.06; range = 19 to 60). Baseline rates of past year violent victimization and perpetration history were: 38% and 30%, respectively. During the12-month follow-up, rates of victimization and perpetration outcomes were 35% and 30%, respectively. Predictors of violence outcomes (either victimization or perpetration) in the year post-ED visit based on characteristics measured at baseline or during the follow-up period (i.e., gender, age, psychological distress, binge drinking days, cocaine use days, marijuana use days, substance abuse/dependence diagnosis, victimization/perpetration history).Address for Correspondence and Reprints: Reprints and author correspondence should be directed to: Maureen A. Walton, M.P.H., Ph.D., University of Michigan, Rachel Upjohn Building, 4250 Plymouth Road, Ann Arbor, MI, 48105. phone: 734-232-2070, fax: 734-998-7992, e-mail: Manuscript Authorship: All co-authors contributed in conducting this research, writing the manuscript and approving this final version of the manuscript. Specific contributions include: Maureen Walton, Co-Investigator on the grant that funded this work, was the project director for this research, provided the initiation and development of this manuscript, and wrote the initial draft of the manuscript. Rebecca Cunningham, Co-Investigator on the grant that funded this work, she co-wrote the Introduction section, was a collaborator in the design of data analyses, and reviewed/edited the manuscript multiple times. Steve Chermack, Consultant on the assessment of violence measures, was involved in the conceptualization and data analysis models for the paper and co-wrote the Discussion section, and reviewed/edited the manuscript. James Weber, Co-Principal Investigator on the grant that funded this work, collaborated in the study design and monitored recruitment procedures in the ED, and reviewed/edited the manuscript. Ron Maio, Co-Investigator on the grant that funded this work, collaborated in the study design and development of the recruitment protocol, and reviewed/edited the manuscript. Shanti Tripathi, Data analyst on the grant that funded this work, collaborated in the data analysis plan, conducted the data analyses, wrote the Results section, and edited the manuscript. Brenda Booth, Principal Investigator on the grant that funded this work, provided overall supervision for the research presented in this manuscript, wrote major sections of the manuscript and coordinated the analyses, and reviewed/edited the manuscript.Publisher's Disclaimer: This is a PDF file of an unedited man...