In many NMR experiments, only polarisation of a limited sub-set of all protons is converted into observable coherence. As recently shown by the ''longitudinal'' TROSY implementation (Pervushin et al. (2002) J. Am. Chem. Soc., 124, 12898-12902) and SOFAST-HMQC (Schanda and Brutscher (2005) J. Am. Chem. Soc., 127, 8014-8015), recovery of unused polarisation can be used indirectly and unspecifically to cool the proton lattice and, thus, accelerate re-equilibration for the selected proton subset. Here we illustrate transfer of this principle to HSQC-based multi-dimensional out-and-back experiments that exploit only polarisation of 15 N-bound protons. The presented modifications to the pulse sequences can be implemented broadly and easily, extending standard flip-back of water polarisation to a much larger pool of protons that may comprise all non) 15 N-bound protons. The underlying orthogonal separation of H N polarisation (selected by the main transfer path) from unused H u polarisation (flipped-back on the recovery path) is thereby achieved through positive or negative selection by J-coupling, or using band-selective pulses. In practice, H u polarisation recovery degrades mostly through cumulative pulse imperfections and transverse relaxation; we present, however, strategies to substantially minimise such losses particularly during interim proton decoupling. Depending on the protein's relaxation properties and the extended flipback scheme employed, we recovered up to 60% H u equilibrium polarisation. The concomitant cooling of the proton lattice afforded substantial gains of more than 40%, relative to the water-only flip-back version, in the fast pulsing regime with re-equilibration delays s much shorter than optimal ðs opt ¼ 1:25 Á T 1 ðH N ÞÞ. These would be typically employed if resolution requirements dominate the total measurement time. Contrarily, if sensitivity is limiting and optimal interscan delays s opt can be set (optimal pulsing regime), the best of the presented flip-back schemes may still afford up to ca. 10% absolute sensitivity enhancement.Abbreviations: bsfb -band-selective flip-back; cpd -continuous pulsing decoupling; efb -extended flip-back; H u -unselected proton magnetisation; H C fb -H C flip-back; ufb -universal flip-back; wfb -water flip-back