By reviewing the scientific literature specialized in sleep disorders (TS) carried out in Mexico, especially at the TS Clinic (Faculty of Medicine-UNAM) at the General Hospital of Mexico (CTS-HGM) from 1948 to 2020, it was possible to document the history of ST research in Mexico and the role played by the CTS-HGM. Sleep Medicine (MS) is one of the newest specialties in Mexico and case research in this field began around 1948, while formal research in 1974. The founding of CTS-HGM in 1997 led to significant development in TS research in Mexico. In addition, the CTS-HGM became a center of care for patients with these problems, as well as important research center since its publications cover all the diagnostic categories of the CITS. Keywords: PMDCMOS; master’s; doctoral; graduation; enrollment; fields of knowledge.