In this paper we consider the 'natural' random walk on a planar graph and scale it by a small positive number δ. Given a simply connected domain D and its two boundary points a and b, we start the scaled walk at a vertex of the graph nearby a and condition it on its exiting D through a vertex nearby b, and prove that the loop erasure of the conditioned walk converges, as δ ↓ 0, to the chordal SLE 2 that connects a and b in D, provided that an invariance principle is valid for both the random walk and the dual walk of it. Our result is an extension of one due to Dapeng Zhan [12] where the problem is considered on the square lattice. A convergence to the radial SLE 2 has been obtained by Lawler, Schramm and Werner [3] for the square and triangular lattices and by Yadin and Yehudayoff [10] for a wide class of planar graphs. Our proof, though an adaptation of that of [3] and [10], involves some new ingredients that arise from two sources: one for dealing with a martingale observable that is different from that used in [3] and [10] and the other for estimating the harmonic measures of the random walk started at a boundary point of a domain. MSC2010 subject classifications. 60F17, 60J67, 82B41.