An evolution of magnetic reconnection behavior, from fast jets to the slowing of reconnection and the establishment of a stable current sheet, has been observed in strongly driven, β ≲ 20 laser-produced plasma experiments. This process has been inferred to occur alongside a slowing of plasma inflows carrying the oppositely directed magnetic fields as well as the evolution of plasma conditions from collisionless to collisional. High-resolution proton radiography has revealed unprecedented detail of the forced interaction of magnetic fields and super-Alfvénic electron jets (V jet ∼ 20V A ) ejected from the reconnection region, indicating that two-fluid or collisionless magnetic reconnection occurs early in time. The absence of jets and the persistence of strong, stable magnetic fields at late times indicates that the reconnection process slows down, while plasma flows stagnate and plasma conditions evolve to a cooler, denser, more collisional state. These results demonstrate that powerful initial plasma flows are not sufficient to force a complete reconnection of magnetic fields, even in the strongly driven regime. [4] plasmas, where oppositely directed magnetic fields undergo a modification of field-line topology and release magnetic energy. While reconnection has typically been studied experimentally in tenuous, quasi-steady-state plasmas, reconnection of magnetic fields in strongly driven (ram pressure > magnetic pressure), β > 1 (total thermal pressure > magnetic pressure) plasmas occurs frequently in astrophysics, impacting dynamics of plasmas in the solar photosphere [5] and at the heliopause [6]. In these strongly driven environments, the rate of reconnection is dictated largely by hydrodynamics and the plasma flows that advect the magnetic fields.In addition, when the scale width of the reconnection region is smaller than the ion inertial length (d i ≡ c=ω pi ), electrons and ions decouple, and the reconnection process is governed by electron flows, rather than by the entire plasma fluid. This two-fluid reconnection (otherwise known as Hall reconnection or collisionless reconnection) is faster than classical Sweet-Parker [7,8] reconnection in the collisional, single-fluid regime. Two-fluid reconnection is a common occurrence in astrophysics [9], and it has been studied in tenuous, quasisteady plasma experiments [10,11]. Two-fluid reconnection in the high β or strongly driven regimes is especially pertinent at the dayside magnetopause of the Earth and other planets [12,13], though, to date, there has been little laboratory investigation of the physics of two-fluid reconnection in such plasmas.This Letter presents the direct observation of two-fluid reconnection features-fast electron jets-preceding the stagnation of magnetic fields and the establishment of a stable current sheet in a strongly driven, β ≲ 20 plasma experiment. These experiments were conducted using laser-produced plasmas, a well-established platform for studies of high-β magnetic reconnection. Prior experiments have examined the annihilatio...