The cosmology of "Spontaneous Creation of the Universe Ex Nihilo"[1] and the cosmology of the Symmetrical Relativity[2] offer proposals to explain the creation and evolution of the universe. In essence they are still very distinct. However, we will argue that there was an antecedent to the big bang. Thus, we will penetrate a trans-Planckian regime, where we find an effective Planck length L ′ P → 0. This will lead to more fundamental physical reflections about nothing in the cosmology of spontaneous creation[1]. From the point of view of spontaneous creation, the step backwards went back to another principle, based on the information, which led to the big bang. While the spontaneous creation refers to the virtual pre-existence of information, which would have emerged randomly from nothing[1], the cosmology of Symmetrical Relativity[2] does not stop there: we go back to one's own origin by projecting it before the creation of one's own time. From the present perspective, nothing is a primordial vacuum, whose information has made the universe by condensing and igniting. It was not randomly created, since the entropy had to vary from infinite (chaos) to zero (big bang) by violating the of thermodynamics in a trans-Planckian regime. Nothing or chaos with infinite entropy precedes the big bang (null entropy) within a trans-Planckian scenario and it determines the whole plot until the total extinction of the universe. We will show that information, besides not being born of the universe, also does not develop from it like the computational idea of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Thus, the universe is not simply self-taught as defended by the spontaneous creation. This could shed light on the problem of Penrose's Weyl curvature hypothesis, which considers a null Weyl curvature due to a null entropy in the big bang.