It reflects on new mechanisms of consumption and access to information used by young people, taking as a starting point the result of the study conducted among undergraduate students, second semester of 2018 at the Amazonian State University, Ecuador, which shows a clear shift from conventional media, through new digital instruments on the rise, a situation that poses new mechanisms, languages and information consumption habits. The objective is to identify young people's interest in certain information and the mechanisms through which they access it. The scope of the study is limited because it is restricted to the Amazon region, and specifically to the group of students who entered the period and institution indicated above. The methodological approach is two-dimensional, since a documentary work is developed in order to evaluate the different theoretical approaches related to founding reflections and the most recent contributions in the field of communication within the framework of the globalization process. An experimental phase is also carried out by means of a sample survey. Among the results of the analysis, note is taken of the redimensioning of interpersonal relations promoted by the digital era of this time, when new procedures that force the resemantization and re-signification of concepts and messages hit the scene; with a redimensioning of the public space of encounter in social interrelations, where the transitory emerges as an essential characteristic of a new public square of socialization, but now virtual, as a public sphere of passage that gradually becomes an ordinary stage. It is concluded that there is a majority inclination among young people starting university studies in Ecuador, specifically in the Amazon region, to inform themselves about events they consider relevant through the Internet and digital platforms, to the detriment of conventional information media that have been gradually displaced from attention. KEYWORDS: communication, digital networks, public square, conventional media.