Forming competent human beings, mathematically speaking, requires experience in the application of knowledge and skills when facing real situations, a task that is evaluated every year in schools. The results obtained in Colombia in the internal and external tests show shortcomings when giving meaning to school knowledge -daily environment. Showing the effectiveness of didactic sequences mediated by the inverted classroom model, through situations close to the quadratic function that would improve the level of competence referred to the modeling and representation of mathematical objects of high school students, was the objective. Qualitative research, case study method. Ten Activities were designed, mediated by WhatsApp and Geogebra through the flipped classroom model. Data were analyzed under the study a priori -a posteriori, revealing that the students do not know the meaning of function, classes and characteristics. Omission of the quadratic model in the representation of real phenomena. Mathematical skills in modeling and representing objects show low performance. It is concluded that the design of didactic sequences allows the student to see linearity between Activities, giving meaning to school knowledge in their environment. Student awareness is required when participating in the flipped classroom.