A density-adapted three-dimensional radial projection reconstruction pulse sequence is presented which provides a more efficient k-space sampling than conventional three-dimensional projection reconstruction sequences. The gradients of the density-adapted three-dimensional radial projection reconstruction pulse sequence are designed such that the averaged sampling density in each spherical shell of k-space is constant. Due to hardware restrictions, an inner sphere of k-space is sampled without density adaption. This approach benefits from both the straightforward handling of conventional three-dimensional projection reconstruction sequence trajectories and an enhanced signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) efficiency akin to the commonly used three-dimensional twisted projection imaging trajectories. Benefits for low SNR applications, when compared to conventional three-dimensional projection reconstruction sequences, are demonstrated with the example of sodium imaging. In simulations of the point-spread function, the SNR of small objects is increased by a factor 1.66 for the densityadapted three-dimensional radial projection reconstruction pulse sequence sequence. Using analytical and experimental phantoms, it is shown that the density-adapted three-dimensional radial projection reconstruction pulse sequence allows higher resolutions and is more robust in the presence of field inhomogeneities. High-quality in vivo images of the healthy human leg muscle and the healthy human brain are acquired. For equivalent scan times, the SNR is up to a factor of 1.8 higher and anatomic details are better resolved using density-adapted three-dimensional radial projection reconstruction pulse sequence. Key words: sodium magnetic resonance imaging; densityadapted sampling; radial imaging; projection reconstruction; sampling density; field inhomogeneities Sodium ( 23 Na) ions play an important role in cellular homeostasis and cell viability. In healthy tissue, the extracellular sodium concentration ([Na ϩ ] ex ϭ 145 mM) is about 10 times higher than the intracellular concentration ([Na ϩ ] in ϭ 10-15 mM) (1). Using sodium MRI, volume-and relaxation-weighted signal of these compartments can be measured. Thus, sodium MRI is a promising diagnostic tool since pathologic processes can alter this ion gradient.Many studies investigating the usefulness of sodium MRI in human pathologies have been performed recently. Brain neoplasia and sustained cell depolarization, a precursor of cell division, lead to an increase of the intracellular sodium concentration and to a rise in the average tissue sodium concentration (2). Furthermore, the application of sodium MRI has been shown to be valuable for muscular channelopathies (3,4), brain tumors (5), the human kidney (6), myocardial infarction (7), and cerebral ischemia (8,9) diagnostics.However, sodium MRI remains a challenging technique for several reasons. The sodium nucleus exhibits a fast biexponential transversal relaxation in the extreme narrowing limit, i.e., if the correlation time is much shorter...