Mutational Inactivation and allelic loss of the von HlppelLlndau (VHL) gene appear to be causal events for the majority of spontaneous clear-cell renal cardnomas. We now show that hypermethylatlon of a normally unmethylated CpG Island in the 5' region provides another potentially important mechanism for Inactivation of the VHL gene In a siificant portion of these cancers. This hypermethylation was found in S of 26 (19%) tumors examined. Four of these had lost one copy of VHL while one retained two heavily methylated alleles. Four of the tumors with VHL hypermethylation had no detectable mutations, whereas one had a missense mutation In addition to hypermethylation of the single retained allele. As would be predicted for the consequence of methylation in this 5' CpG island, none of the 5 tumors expressed the VHL gene.