Recently, p73, a new member of the p53 family, has been cloned and mapped to chromosome 1p36, a region that is frequently deleted in a variety of human cancers. p73 can activate p53-responsive promoters and induce apoptosis when overexpressed in certain p53-de®cient tumor cells. In contrast to p53, analysis of the p73 gene in several human solid tumors did not reveal loss of p73 expression or mutations in the p73 gene. However, transcriptional silencing of the p73 gene by hypermethylation of a CpG island was observed in several leukemias and lymphomas. These lymphoid neoplasms also show increased expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), an endothelial cell-speci®c mitogen and a key mediator of angiogenesis. To evaluate a possible relationship between p73 status and VEGF expression, we have studied the e ect of ectopically expressed p73 on the regulation of the VEGF gene. Our results demonstrate that p73 can down-regulate endogenous VEGF gene expression on mRNA and protein level. This e ect is mediated by transcriptional repression of the VEGF promoter and involves the promoter region 785 to 750 bp, containing a cluster of Sp 1 binding sites. Our results suggest a regulatory role for p73 in tumor angiogenesis. Oncogene (2000) 19, 3470 ± 3476.