ABSTRACIRates ofP influx and effiux were determined in whole plants at ambient P co tions compamble to those found in soil solutions. Maize (Zea mays L. var NC+59) seedings were trimnmed (endosperm and adventitions roots removed) and grown in a greenhouse in solution cultures at P concentrtions of approximately.0A and 1.8 micromolar. Roots of intact phlts previously exposed to NP-labeled solutions at 0.2 and 2.0 micromolar P for 48 hours were riosed 10 minutes in P-free solution and exposed to 33P solutions at 0.2 and 2.0 micromolar for 10 minutes. Net depletion of 3P from and appance of 32p in the ambient solution were used to measure influx and efflux. The ration of32P efflux to 3P influx was about 0.68 at 0.2 micromolar and 0.08 at 2.0 micromolar. When plants were allowed to deplete P from solutions, the P concentration in the medium dropped to about 0.15 micromolar within 24 hours and 0.05 micromolar within 60 hours. Results indicate that P efflux is a substantial component ofnet P accumulation at P concentrations normally found in soil solutions.Loss of P from plant roots to the ambient medium has been well documented (9,11,16,26). Conflicting opinions have been advanced, however, on the significance of P efflux in the P economy of plants. Mazel' and Fokin (16) argue that P efflux is strictly a passive exchange phenomenon, and of little consequence for net P accumulation. Bieleski and Ferguson (4) suggest that P efflux is at least partially under metabolic control and is a component of the mechanism whereby P balance is maintained in plants. There is very little information on the magnitude of P efflux in relation to P influx. The limited data available come from studies with aquatic plants (4, 15), in which both roots and shoots absorb ions from the medium. In Spirodela oligorrhiza, the ratio of efflux to influx was approximately 0.08 in plants maintained in 1.0 mm P solutions. Both influx and efflux decreased as the ambient P concentration was lowered, but the decrease in influx was proportionally greater than the decrease in effiux. In plants transferred from 1.0 mM P to 1.0 AM P, the ratio of efflux to influx was 0.70.Indirect evidence for the importance of efflux in P accumulation comes from studies of P depletion from nutrient solutions. If decreasing ambient P concentration affects influx to a greater extent than efflux, then efflux and influx should be equal at some limiting ambient P concentration, i.e. there would be no net accumulation. Experiments with several maize genotypes have indicated that net P accumulation ceases at concentrations ranging from 0.04 to 3.7 ,uM (1, 2 tration range of bulk soil solutions (20). Thus, it appears that efflux may be nearly equal to influx at ambient P concentrations comparable to those experienced by roots of terrestrial plants.In the work with Spirodela (4, 15) influx and efflux were measured in separate experiments. Nitrate influx and efflux, however, were measured simultaneously using 14NO3 and 15NO- (12,14,17). The availability of two radioisotopes of P, 3...