“…Day, John -continued "The Maiden's Holiday" 3 "The Spanish Moor's Tragedy" 79 The Travels of the Three English Brothers 3 "Tom Strowd,part three" 121 Dekker,Thomas 108,111,135,141,180,200,129 10,11,116 Edward I 5,63,173 Edward II 258 Edward III 264 "elite" plays 2 Elizabeth I 128,141,149,150,154,156,158,171,187,238,260 26,27 First Folio (Shakespeare) 3,25,55,56,66,79,167,237,238,F. G. 4,32,35,40,49,121 Flecknoe,Richard Love's Dominion 79 Fletcher,John 87,91 "Cardenio" 4,5,6,36,72,81,91,256,266 Copyrighted matrial -978-1-137-40396-4…”