The article considers the existing system of state and municipal financing of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation as one of the important branches of the social sphere. Financing of physical culture and sports is carried out through the budget system of the Russian Federation, with the main share of funding coming from regional and local budgets. In recent years, expenditures on financing physical culture and sports have been growing faster than the total expenditures of the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation. In Russia there is a wide network of Federal, regional and municipal organizations that receive various subsidies from the budget system of the Russian Federation. These include budgetary and Autonomous institutions, unitary enterprises. The article analyzes the financial support of budgetary institutions subordinated to the Russian Federation Ministry of sports. These institutions carry out the state task to provide services in the field of physical culture and sports. It is revealed that the main share of all subsidies allocated for the financing of physical culture and sports are subsidies for the financial support of the state task. They are calculated by sports on the basis of normative costs for the provision of state (municipal) services in the field of physical culture and sports. They are different for organizations of Federal, regional and local subordination. The analysis showed that half of the expenditure falls on the sport of higher achievements, which is understandable, given the importance and necessity of state support for the development of this area.
Keywords-subjects of financing; sources of financing; budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation; incomes of institutions; efficiency of expenses.