Permeable friction course (PFC) mixtures are a special type of hot mix asphalt (HMA) mixtures characterized by high total air voids (AV) content values to provide high permeability and noise reduction effectiveness, while high surface texture conditions can be ensured. Recent advancements in materials and HMA mixture evaluation led to increase the use of PFC mixtures over the last two decades as an alternative to improve highway safety and noise reduction. However, these developments on PFC mixtures generate the need for a comprehensive review to facilitate corresponding practical implementation. Consequently, the main objective of this paper is to provide a summary of research findings on PFC mixtures to improve the conception, design, and use of these HMA mixtures. In this context, the paper includes aspects related to advantages and limitations, volumetric properties, structural life, mixture distresses, and functionality of PFC mixtures. The aspects summarized provide a baseline for improvement of the current design and conception of PFC mixtures and offer guidelines for some future research developments.Keywords: Permeable friction course (PFC), mix design, hot mix asphalt (HMA), noise reductionpavements, drainable pavements.
Las mezclas drenantes son un tipo especial de mezclas asfálticas caracterizadas por un alto contenido total de vacíos, que proporcionan alta permeabilidad y capacidad de reducción de los niveles de ruido, mientras se garantizan altos valores de textura superficial. Avances recientes en materiales y evaluación de mezclas asfálticas conllevaron al incremento del uso de mezclas drenantes en las dos últimas décadas