Pulse radiolytic reduction of disulfide bridges in ceruloplasmin yielding RSSR ؊ radicals induces a cascade of intramolecular electron transfer (ET) processes. Based on the three-dimensional structure of ceruloplasmin identification of individual kinetically active disulfide groups and type 1 (T1) copper centers, the following is proposed. The first T1 copper(II) ion to be reduced in ceruloplasmin is the blue copper center of domain 6 (T1A) by ET from RSSR ؊ of domain 5. The rate constant is 28 ؎ 2 s ؊1 at 279 K and pH 7.0. T1A is in close covalent contact with the type 3 copper pair and indeed electron equilibration between T1A and the trinuclear copper center in the domain 1-6 interface takes place with a rate constant of 2.9 ؎ 0.6 s ؊1 . The equilibrium constant is 0.17. Following reduction of T1A Cu(II), another ET process takes place between RSSR ؊ and T1B copper(II) of domain 4 with a rate constant of 3.9 ؎ 0.8. No reoxidation of T1B Cu(I) could be resolved. It appears that the third T1 center (T1C of domain 2) is not participating in intramolecular ET, as it seems to be in a reduced state in the resting enzyme.The blue multicopper oxidases are enzymes that catalyze the 4-electron reduction of dioxygen to water by four sequential 1-electron oxidations of substrate (1). These enzymes are widely distributed in nature, from bacteria, fungi, and plants to mammals. All contain at least 4 copper ions of the following types. (i) The blue type 1 site (T1) 1 characterized by an intense charge transfer band in the 600-nm region (⑀ ϳ 5000 M Ϫ1 cm Ϫ1 ) and a narrow hyperfine coupling constant (A ʈ Ͻ 10 Ϫ3 cm Ϫ1 ) in the electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum (2). (ii) A "normal" type 2 (T2) copper center characterized by a lack of intense absorption bands and ordinary EPR spectrum. (iii) A copper ion pair, called type 3 (T3), which in the oxidized state is characterized by an intense absorption in the near UV region (⑀ ϳ 4000 M Ϫ1 cm Ϫ1 ) and by strong antiferromagnetic coupling. T2 and T3 are proximal and form together a trinuclear cluster, which is the dioxygen reduction site (1). The physiological function of T1 is sequential uptake and transfer of single electrons from substrate molecules to the trinuclear center where dioxygen binds and gets reduced to water. Thus, the enzymatic process takes place by a ping-pong mechanism (1).Intramolecular electron transfer (ET) between T1 and the trinuclear T2/T3 center is therefore expected to play a crucial role in the molecular mechanism of this class of enzymes. High resolution crystal structures are now available for ascorbate oxidase (3, 4), ceruloplasmin (5, 6), and fungal laccase (7). The laccases are characterized by relatively low substrate specificity toward the reducing substrate, whereas ascorbate oxidase exhibits a high specificity toward L-ascorbate. We have previously studied the intramolecular ET processes that take place in Rhus vernicifera laccase (8) and in ascorbate oxidase (9 -11).The only blue copper oxidase found in humans is ceruloplasmin (hCp) (Fe(I...