Ce:CsCl transparent ceramics doped with different concentrations of Ce (0.01, 0.1, and 1 mol.%) were synthesized by spark plasma sintering, and their optical, scintillation and dosimetric properties were investigated. Regarding the scintillation properties, X-ray-induced scintillation spectra of the samples consisted of three emission peaks at around 280, 380, and 400 nm, which were due to the Auger-free luminescence and 5d→4f ( 2 F 5/2 and 2 F 7/2 ) transitions of Ce
3+, respectively. In addition, the samples showed thermally stimulated luminescence (TSL) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) with emission peaks centering at around 400 and 480 nm, in which the origins were attributed to the 5d-4f transitions of Ce 3+ and the host, respectively. In particular, the TSL was sensitive to X-rays, and the TSL signals as low as 0.1 mGy were measurable, while a linear response was confirmed up to 100 mGy.