In Indonesia, philanthropy is identical to Zakat. Zakat belongs to a specific domain because it has its characteristics of knowledge. This research studied knowledge graph in the Zakat domain called KGZ which is conducted in Indonesia. This area is still rarely performed, thus it becomes the first knowledge graph for Zakat in Indonesia. It is designed to provide basic knowledge on Zakat and managing the Zakat in Indonesia. There are some issues with building KGZ, firstly, the existing Indonesian named entity recognition (NER) is non-restricted and general-purpose based which data is obtained from a general source like news. Second, there is no dataset for NER in the Zakat domain. We define four steps to build KGZ, involving data acquisition, extracting entities and their relationship, mapping to ontology, and deploying knowledge graphs and visualizations. This research contributed a knowledge graph for Zakat (KGZ) and a building NER model for Zakat, called KGZ-NER. We defined 17 new named entity classes related to Zakat with 272 entities, 169 relationships and provided labelled datasets for KGZ-NER that are publicly accessible. We applied the Indonesian-Open Domain Information Extractor framework to process identifying entities’ relationships. Then designed modeling of information using resources description framework (RDF) to build the knowledge base for KGZ and store it to GraphDB, a product from Ontotext. This NER model has a precision 0.7641, recall 0.4544, and F1-score 0.5655. The increasing data size of KGZ is required to discover all of the knowledge of Zakat and managing Zakat in Indonesia. Moreover, sufficient resources are required in future works.