Distributed video coding (DVC) is a novel coding paradigm that offers low computational encoding relative to conventional video-coding framework at the expense of high-decoding computational complexity. The challenging part of this video-coding framework is achieving better rate-distortion (RD) compared with conventional codec performance. A suitable and accurate correlation noise model (CNM) is crucial in improving the RD performance by achieving high coding efficiency and making decoding less computationally demanding. Since the correlation is nonstationary and time-variant and can vary from frame to frame, offline CNM estimation is not feasible for practical applications and real-time decoding. An online CNM may be the solution to this problem. In DVC, neither Wyner–Ziv frame (WZF) nor estimated side information (SI) of the corresponding WZF is available at the encoder. Therefore, online estimation of the CNM and its parameters can be quite challenging. The contribution of this research work is a novel online CNM which is computed by taking the mean of each transformed coefficient band and deployed for two different codecs. Our proposed codec, DIVCOM, which stands for “Distributed Video Coding with Online Band Mean Correlation Noise Model”, outperforms the existing baseline codec, DISCOVER (DIS), in both coding efficiency and peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR). The DIVCOM codec achieves coding efficiency of up to 8.05 kbps, and PSNR ranges from 0.0245 dB to 0.18 dB. An extended version of DIVCOM incorporating phase-based side information called PDIVCOM achieves coding efficiency up to 10.9 kbps, and PSNR ranges from 0.019 to 0.17 dB compared to DIS.