Modular domains in proteins such as protein-tyrosine kinases, phosphatases and adaptors play central roles in the generation of signals needed for mammalian cell function (1). Of these, Src homology domain 2 (SH2) 3 recognizes phosphotyrosine-based motifs, whereas Src homology domain 3 (SH3) domains recognize proline-based PXXP motifs (2). Since the description of Abelson SH3 domain recognition of the 3BP1 protein (3), numerous SH3 domain-mediated interactions have been documented. Examples include SH3-mediated interactions between the adaptor Grb-2 (growth factor receptor-bound protein-2) and Son-of-Sevenless, Src kinase SH3 domain binding to the p85 subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, and Crk SH3 domain binding to Crk SH3 domain-binding guanine nucleotide-releasing factor, among others. SH3 domain binding is involved in subcellular localization, cytoskeletal organization, and signal transduction (4).Structurally, SH3 domains are comprised of two anti-parallel  sheets packed at right angles to one other (2, 4, 5). The core øPXøP motif (where ø represents a hydrophobic residue) interacts with SH3 through two defined consensus sequences: Class I (R/KXXPXXP) and Class II (PXXPXR) (6). Domains can bind ligands in either an N-to C-terminal or C-to N-terminal orientation due to the pseudosymmetrical nature of the polyproline class II helix that is stabilized primarily by hydrophobic and additional electrostatic interactions. Directionality is conferred by the interaction of the arginine or lysine residues with the charged outer face on the SH3 domain, while the tandem prolines bind to two hydrophobic pockets. Binding depends on the two SH3 variable loops, the RT and n-Src loops, that flank a ligand-binding region.In addition to the binding to øPXøP-based motifs, an increasing number of studies have documented SH3 domain binding to non-canonical motifs (7). These include a PX(V/I)(D/N)RXXKP motif that is responsible for STAM2 SH3 domain binding to the deubiquitination enzyme ubiquitin isopeptidase Y/Usp8 (8, 9) and Grb-2 related protein (GADS), SH3 domain binding to SH2-domain-containing leukocyte protein of 76 kDa (SLP-76) (10 -13). In the latter case, the interaction has a 10 -20 times higher affinity than interaction between SH3 domains and their øPXøP motifs. Other examples of non-canonical interactions include amphiphysin SH3 domain binding to dynamin (14), Eps8 SH3 domain binding to the PXXDY motif (15), and HPK1 SH3 domain binding to a RXXK motif (12). We recently identified a novel RKXXYXXY motif that is found in the T-cell adaptor Src kinase-associated protein of 55 kDa (SKAP-55) and that is recognized by the FYN-SH3 and ADAP-SH3c domains (16).In the immune system, SH3 domains are found in Src-related kinases and immune specific adaptor proteins (17, 18). Adaptors lack enzymatic activity and transcription binding domains, and instead are comprised of multiple binding domains and sites that facilitate protein-protein aggrega- Grb2, growth factor receptor-bound protein-2; Gads, Grb-2-related protein; SLP...