Arduino microcontrollers have been widely used in research and society. The Arduino isequipped with one or more physical sensors to convert physical quantities into electrical signalsthat can be processed by the microcontroller. This paper reviews sensors, types of Arduino, andtheir application as a monitoring system. Data were obtained from platforms discussing onlineArduino projects, scientific articles, electronic/micro-electronic component manufacturer sites,and other reliable sources. The results show that the sensors that are commonly used includetemperature and humidity sensors DHT11, DHT22, Thermistor and LM35, limit switch touchsensors, proximity sensors HC-SR04, and Paralax PIR, gas sensors MQ2, MQ3, MQ5, MQ6,MQ7, MQ8, and MQ135 correspond to detected gases, ADXL345 and A3144 acceleration andmagnet sensors, TCS3200 and TCS 34752 color sensors, KY-026 and Robotdyn IR firesensors, KY-022 and KY-005 Infrared sensors, LDR and TSL2561 light sensors, voltage-currentsensors ACS712 and PZEM-004T, and heart rate sensors KY-039 and MAX30102. While themicrocontrollers that are often used include Arduino Uno, Arduino Nano, Arduino Mega, andother microcontrollers. Applications that have been developed include applications in the fieldsof health, agriculture and farm, creation of robots, security to vehicles.